2019 New year resolution with dog

New Year’s Resolution: Brush your Pet’s Teeth Everyday

Posted by Nikki Wardle on January 8, 2019 at 9:00 AM
Nikki Wardle
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While you’re considering that long list of potential New Year’s resolutions, think about setting one for your pet’s health. Why not resolve to brush your dog’s teeth every day in 2019? It may seem more ambitious to write this resolution down than to lose weight, travel more, or call your mom every Friday. But the truth is, brushing your dog’s teeth isn’t all that difficult, and creating a habit of healthy pet hygiene in 2019 could save your pet pain and your money. Here’s why.

Commit to Your Dog’s Dental Hygiene in 2019

There are obvious reasons why regular teeth-brushing can be beneficial to your dog’s health: pearly whites, no cavities, and bye-bye dog breath. But even more compelling is the reason many pet owners don’t think of: your dog’s dental hygiene could be directly related to their overall health. Dental disease isn’t only painful and inconvenient; it’s also potentially dangerous. It can lead to dangerous and even fatal problems with your pet’s internal organs such as their heart. Your dog’s dental health can give them a better, longer, pain-free life.

Brushing Your Dog’s Teeth Doesn’t Have to be Scary

Many pet owners are intimidated by the idea of brushing their dog’s teeth. It sounds like too much effort and like it may be too difficult. But with a little practice, you and your dog can both build the habit of healthy dental hygiene in 2019. Here are some tips:

  • Don’t start out with full-on brushing your dog’s teeth.
  • Start slowing and work your way up.
  • Begin by touching your dog’s teeth with your fingers and getting him or her used to the idea.
  • Then, introduce the toothbrush and toothpaste and let your dog sniff it out and taste it.
  • Finally, begin practicing daily brushing.
Introduce treats that are good for your dog’s teeth. Your dog will benefit from dental hygiene treats, and it can augment your daily brushing routine. Make sure you’re keeping brushing fun and rewarding for your pet. Your dog should look forward to brushing because he or she knows it involves an ear rub, a treat, and your praise. Help your pet enjoy better health in 2019 by setting and sticking to a daily goal of brushing your dog’s teeth. If you have any questions about your dog’s dental hygiene or health, contact us.

Topics: Pet Dental Health

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