Intermountain Pet Hospital Blog

Celebrate Pet Dental Health Month with Us

Written by Nikki Wardle | January 5, 2016 at 7:37 PM

With the new year just beginning, we're turning out minds toward pet dental hygiene. Why, you might ask? Because February is National Pet Dental Health Month, and we're set to celebrate by helping with your furry friends' pearly whites.

Pets need dental hygiene just as much as their human family members do. But it may not seem simple to get this piece of pet health right. Here are our top tips for keeping your best friend's smile shining.

  1. Learn how to brush. You know how to brush your own teeth, but do you know how to brush your cat or dog's teeth? First is starts with slowly introducing pet appropriate toothpaste and a toothbrush to your pet. Let them smell it, lick it, and then you can slowly start making brushing motions. Here's a video to make it simple.
  2. Visit the vet. Make sure you're hitting your regular visits to the vet, and if you have any questions or concerns about Shaggy's smile, bring him in!
  3. Keep an eye out for dental issues such as broken teeth, infected teeth, cysts or tumors, and palate defects.
  4. Know the signs of poor dental health, such as bad breath, abnormal chewing, unusual drooling, or reduced appetite and refusal to eat. Your pet could be trying to tell you they're in pain when they drop food from their mouth or seem like they're not hungry.

Our team is experienced and ready to help your pet have the best dental health possible. Ready to bring Fido into for a check-up? Give us a call today for an appointment.