Intermountain Pet Hospital Blog

Tips for protecting your cat this fall

Written by Nikki Wardle | October 2, 2017 at 3:00 PM

Ahhh, autumn. It's time to breathe in the scent of crisp fall air and enjoy the crunch of leaves under our feet, and then head inside for a cat nap. Speaking of cats, have you considered how your feline friend is affected by the change in the weather?

Fall is a lovely time of year and brings with it fun, but there are a few seasonal dangers you should be aware of as a cat owner. Whether your cat is indoor, outdoor, or meanders in and out on her own, you should carefully consider the environmental dangers around your home and property this time of year. Here are a few things to remember when it comes to feline safety in the fall.

Your Cat and Autumn

Before we go any further, we should mention your first line of defense in keeping your kitty healthy: annual exams. Has your cat been to the vet yet this year? Fall is a good time to schedule a routine examination to be sure your cat is in tip-top health going into the cold months. Here's what else you should consider this season.

Ticks and Fleas

This time of year, it's almost like bugs can sense their impending doom as the weather cools and they die off and go dormant for the winter. Because of this, ticks and fleas tend to be a bigger issue during the cool fall season. They'll cling to your pet's warm body in a desperate attempt to get inside and stay alive as the nights get colder, so you may notice your cat suddenly has a flea problem or brings home an unwanted tick guest from a walk in the yard. Carefully remove any ticks from your cat's body (being sure to get all parts of the insect's body), and always take preventative precautions to keep your kitty flea-free.

Outdoor Dangers

This time of year, decaying leaves and other environmental dangers pose potential hazards to your cat's health. Keep your cat away from mold and fungi that may pop up in the moist weather, especially since mushrooms may look like an appealing snack to a curious feline. Most veterinarians recommend keeping your cat inside at all times of the year since outdoor cats have a much lower life expectancy rate. But if your cat does venture outside, make sure you're keeping a close eye on him.

Fall Cleaning

Of course, everyone thinks of cleaning out the house during the spring, but fall cleaning is also popular. It's a good time to clear away the clutter and get ready for the upcoming holidays. Are your cleaners cat-friendly and non-toxic? Curious kitties might want to take a swig of your cleaner or try chewing on a mothball. Make sure your cat doesn't have access to your cleaning solutions as they could cause skin irritation and digestive issues.

Indoor Decor

Keep your cat away from your seasonal decor this fall, including candles, wreaths, bouquets of flowers, and potpourri. Your cat may wonder what the new additions to your living room are and want to chew or play with fall decor, so it's important that you keep these items out of reach.

If it's time for your feline friend's checkup, contact us today.