Dog getting dental

A Pet Dental Cleaning - From Fido's POV

Posted by Nikki Wardle on October 11, 2022 at 9:00 AM
Nikki Wardle
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Can I just say that I love my veterinarian. She’s the best. Mom says her name is Dr. Willis and we’re going to go see her today. On the way to my appointment Mom lets me put my head out the window which is truly bliss.

Now that we’re here at the hospital, the human at the first desk talks to my mom really quick and leads to the scale to get my weight. Gosh, I gained half a pound. Now we’re going back to the room where I get to see Dr. Willis. I’m getting so excited.

First, Ashley comes in and give me a treat and some loves. She always makes me feel so calm and loved. While Ashley pets me, her and mom talk about my diet, lifestyle, and how things have been going.

Dental Exam

There she is. There’s Dr. Willis. She’s giving me all the loves and pets I need. I always feel safe with her. Dr. Willis checks my ears, my pelvis, and my whole body to make sure everything is working right. Gosh, now she has to check my teeth. Dr. Willis gently lifts up my cheek and says that I have tartar on my gum line and my gums are inflamed. Guess that means I need my teeth cleaned.

Morning of Dental Cleaning

Darn it; I don’t get breakfast this morning. Mom says I can drink water, but that’s it. I did get a little piece of ham; however, I’m pretty sure there was a pill of some kind in it cause I’m feeling pretty relaxed now.

We head down to Intermountain Pet Hospital and I get to see Dr. Willis again. She and my mom talk for a few minutes and then I go back into the hospital where I have my own private little area to wait for my dental procedure. I’m still feeling groovy and can’t wait to get my teeth cleaned.

Later, a gal comes to my little area and gives me a poke. It didn’t hurt at all but goodness, I feel sleepy now. Maybe I should take a nap before my teeth cleaning. Good idea, I’ll just rest my eyes.

**2 hours later**

Wow, I took a long nap and now my teeth are minty fresh. I’m a little groggy but that’s okay. This nice gal keeps checking up on me to make sure I’m comfortable. She even takes me outside so I can do my business.

Mom comes and gets me a few hours later. She says I don’t have doggy breath anymore and that my teeth look really good. We say bye to Dr. Willis and Ashley and head home.

Back at Home

Mom says we’re going to brush my teeth every night so I can fight off tartar and plaque buildup. I would object more, but I sure do love the chicken flavor toothpaste.

Topics: Pet Dental Health, Dog Dental Health