Man running with dog

Exercising Your Dog When It’s 100+ Degrees Outside

Posted by Nikki Wardle on August 11, 2022 at 9:22 AM
Nikki Wardle
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To say that it’s hot outside would be an understatement. Whether it’s 106 degrees outside or 97 degrees, both are too hot to take man’s best friend out for a walk and get in some park playtime. When the heat turns up in July and August in the Treasure Valley, options are limited on getting your dog out to get his much-needed exercise time. Below are some tips on exercising your pup while keeping him safe from the heat.

Head Out Earlier

The coolest part of the day is usually right when the sun starts to rise, so if it’s going to be 100+ degrees outside, the morning is your best shot at taking a nice long walk without the risk of overheating.


Yes, your pup’s mind needs to be exercised as well. Puzzles, lick mats and snuffle mats are a great way to keep your dog busy during the day and get much-needed mental stimulation.

Head Out Late

If you can’t take your canine out in the morning, then heading out a few hours after the sun sets is another good time to get out for a walk. Before taking your pup out, check the temperature of the asphalt by holding the back of your hand to the pavement for 7 seconds. If it’s too hot for your hand, it will be too hot for your pup.

Water Time

We are lucky to have a lot of many water play options here in the Treasure Valley. Several dog parks have access to water for dogs to play in. Amity Dog Park, Redwood Park, and Morris Hill Park are all public parks with access to water for pups to play in. There is also Lucky Peak and parts in the Boise River where dogs are welcome to play. Make sure your pup wears an appropriate life vest if they aren’t a good swimmer or are not around water a lot.

Make a Play Date

Does your pup have a furry best friend with a big backyard? Perfect, make a playdate for the canines to get together. Some good old fashion wrestling dog play will be great for both canines. Maybe put a sprinkler out or get a kiddie pool filled with water so they have a place to cool off in.

Doggy Day Camp

Yes, good old fashion dog day camp is an excellent idea for your pup to get social time, exercise, and even mental stimulation. Our camp provides a pool on hot days and puzzles when the dogs enjoy their downtime. Doggy day camp is the perfect solution for exercising your pup while you work or need to get stuff done around the house.

It’s essential to keep your pet active, even when the temperatures are over 100 degrees. And it’s equally important to protect your pups from heat exhaustion and dehydration. If you think your dog is dehydrated or suffering from heat exhaustion, please get them to a veterinarian right away.

Topics: Doggy Day Care, Pet Care