Posts about Pet Facts

River Rafting and Taking Your Pup? Here Are Some Tips

Posted by Nikki Wardle on May 14, 2024 at 9:00 AM

Sharing an adventure with your furry family member is the best, and what better way to do that than a scenic river rafting trip. While the idea might conjure images of tail wags and your doggy joyfully splashing about, safety should always be the top priority. Here are some essential tips to ensure your pup has a safe and "splashtastic" time.

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Topics: Pet Care, Vet Near Me, Pet Facts

Heat Safety Tips for Pets

Posted by Nikki Wardle on August 16, 2023 at 9:00 AM

Although this summer has been unseasonably cool, we have had a few 100°+ temperature days that have made everyone run for shade. These hot days can be especially dangerous for pets as they have a harder time cooling off. Here are some tips to help keep your pets safe in the hot Idaho weather.

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Topics: Animal Hospital Near Me, Pet Facts

Four Potentially Dangerous Children’s Toys for Pets

Posted by Nikki Wardle on December 13, 2022 at 9:00 AM

Tis the season for parties, festivities, and presents — lots and lots of presents. And while parents are doing their research on what toys are appropriate and safe for their children, most people don’t consider the safety of their pets and those toys.

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Topics: Pet Care, Puppy Care, Pet Facts

Is Your Cat a Psychopath?

Posted by Nikki Wardle on December 28, 2021 at 9:15 AM

Have you ever been over at a friends’ house and their cat stares at you like you’re their next victim? Or maybe you have a feline furball that randomly yowls and hisses at you 30 minutes after purring and rubbing up against your leg. Could your cat be bipolar, moody, or possibly even worse? Researchers in the UK may have an answer for you: your cat could indeed be psychopathic.

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Topics: Vets Near Me, Pet Facts

Safest Toys for Your Pets

Posted by Nikki Wardle on December 20, 2021 at 11:30 AM

Toys are a necessity for all pets. Toys can provide comfort, entertainment, and even help combat bad behavior problems. So, when choosing a toy for your pup or kitty, you want to make sure it is the correct type of toy, especially for cats, as they are very particular about what toys they will play with.

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Topics: Puppy Care, Pet Facts, Pet Enrichment

A Tale of Tails

Posted by Nikki Wardle on November 9, 2021 at 3:30 PM

Humans use our face and body to communicate with other humans non-verbally; dogs use their ears and tails. And the science behind how dogs use their tails to communicate with other dogs, as well as humans is fascinating.

Dogs wag their tails to convey happiness, anxiety, alertness, and most likely a vast array of other emotions. Dogs pick up on each other’s wagging signals that will influence whether they will respond positively or negatively.

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Topics: Pet Facts

Where Do “Dog” Expressions Come From?

Posted by Nikki Wardle on August 5, 2021 at 9:15 AM

Have you ever said, "the dog days of summer" or "work like a dog" and wondered where those phrases originated from? After a bit of digging into those sayings, we've uncovered some pretty interesting history and evolution to some of the most common dog expressions.

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Topics: Pet Facts

Now That You’re Going Back to Work…What About Your Pets?

Posted by Nikki Wardle on January 21, 2021 at 9:24 AM

March of 2020 changed every American’s life in one way or another. But for pets, that month turned into one of the best months ever. Some fortunate employees were able to work from home, and their fur babies were over the moon happy. 

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Topics: Pet Care, Doggie Daycare, Pet Facts

The Canine Head Tilt Explained

Posted by Nikki Wardle on November 19, 2019 at 10:15 AM

Ears perked up with a slight head tilt back and forth is dang near the cutest thing dogs do.  But why?

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Topics: Animal Hospital Near Me, Pet Facts

Why We Stopped Declawing Cats

Posted by Nikki Wardle on November 5, 2019 at 11:06 AM

“I love when my cat uses the furniture as a scratching post,” said no cat parent ever. This is why, for the past few decades, feline parents have opted to declaw their cat as a way to save their home and keep their fur-baby indoors with them. However, recent research has been released that has since reversed our previous policy on declawing cats.

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Topics: Pet Facts